New in June 2024
...and from May ....

The revised video on THE LEGENDARY BOATBUILDER JOE DONNELLY is now up on the Videos Page

Some footage from the 10-footer Championships in May is now up on the Videos Page

There was close racing in the Historical 10-Foot Skiffs Australian Championships on May 4-6 at Teralba on Lake Macquarie. Details and full results on the News Page

Joe Donnelly's Plaque has been installed, see more on the News Page
The Australian Historical Sailing Skiff Associationwas established in 1990 by a group of skiff enthusiasts. The objects of the Association "shall be to acquire, restore, build replicas of, sail, race, display and promote historical Australian skiffs and other open boats which the Association considers worthy of promotion".
Since then the major activity of the Association (usually abbreviated to AHSSA) has been racing fleets of replicas, first with a fleet of 10-footers and since 1995 with a fleet of 18-footers. Currently the AHSSA has an active fleet of 10-footers racing in Brisbane, a less active fleet occasionally racing on Lake Macquarie NSW and a fleet of 18-footer replicas racing every Summer Saturday out of the Sydney Flying Squadron. The AHSSA is the recognised Class Association for historical skiffs with Australian Sailing.
This is a growing site and will be regularly added to.
For a look into the history of the 18-footers, 10-footers and other Australian open boat classes, see our companion site
This is a growing site and will be regularly added to.
For a look into the history of the 18-footers, 10-footers and other Australian open boat classes, see our companion site